Speaking at a Committee for the Economic Development of Australia meeting in Melbourne on Tuesday, Ms Zibelman said the recommendations from the review would provide solid policy to move forward on a cleaner energy network.
“There is a path forward and we need to take it and we need to go move quickly,”? said Ms Zibelman.
“(People say) we have to make these changes and we don’t want to waste this crisis and I would agree with that.
“We want to move this stuff forward.”?
Ms Zibelman’s comments come before the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Energy Council meet in Brisbane on Friday to discuss the Finkel Review’s findings.
“I’m hoping they will endorse the Finkel Review,”? said Ms Zibelman.
“Particularly recommendations around how we need to move the market and planning and content issues, so that we really can get on with it and start working on problems and coming up with solutions.”?
Australia’s Chief Scientist Dr Alan Finkel released his final report on the Independent Review into the Future Security of the National Electricity Market in June this year.
The report found that the gas and electricity markets are closely connected, and that gas-fired generation can provide a low emissions substitute for coal.
The report calls for gas market reforms to be driven by the COAG Energy Council and government initiatives to improve supply and affordability.
You can read more on the report here.