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APGA appoints new Chief Executive

Mr Greenwood has an extensive career in policy and government relations.

“His most recent role is as the Canberra Director of GRA Cosway providing advisory and advocacy services to assist clients in their dealings with the Commonwealth Government,”? said Dr Reardon.

“Prior to this Peter held roles as Chief of Staff for both Commonwealth and State Ministers across a range of portfolios.

“Peter is very passionate about the importance of the pipeline industry and energy infrastructure to the Australian economy and the place for gas as part of our energy future.

“Peter will commence with APGA on 24 April.”?

Mr Greenwood replaces long-serving APGA Chief Executive Cheryl Cartwright.

“The APGA Board is highly appreciative of the incredible contribution Cheryl has made over the past decade and wishes her Cheryl the very best in her future endeavours,”? said Dr Reardon.

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