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Bass progresses Kiwi 1

Bass Oil

Bass Oil has continued to progress regulatory approvals for the Kiwi 1 completion and extended production test (EPT) project.

The company has received the report from the inspection of the access road and well site.

This has now been provided to contractors to quote on repair works to upgrade the access for the workover rig and ancillary equipment required for the test.

According to Bass, the project has been delayed due to rain impacts that fell in the Moomba area in early January 2024. The test is now expected to take place in late February.

The company also noted that it is continuing discussions with a global oil service company to finalise the scope of a study to identify strategies for commercialisation options in Bass’ 100 per cent-owned PEL 182 permit.

This study is expected to commence in late Q1 of 2024.

Across the month of December 2023, Bass Oil averaged 306 barrels of oil per day (bopd) and total monthly production was 9499 barrels.

Total Cooper Basin monthly production was 3307 barrels produced and 2343 barrels sold. Sales revenue for the month was $743,587.

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