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Carnarvon wins Bonaparte permit

AC/P62 covers 1,512 square kilometres in shallow waters which contains multiple attractive leads in the same proven basin that includes the Montara, Jabiru, Skua and Challis oil fields.

“AC/P62 is another demonstration of our team’s ability to acquire oil prone exploration permits within proven petroleum systems,”? said Carnarvon Managing Director Adrian Cook.

“This is Carnarvon’s first permit with in the Vulcan Sub-basin, adjacent to the Skua and Montara oil fields.

“Given the shallow water depths, jack-up drilling is possible, meaning the potential for lower cost drilling and field developments in the permit.”?

Carnarvon aims to mature the prospects within the blocks with a number of geoscience work-flows as part of the work program, including a satellite seep survey, high-resolution biostratigraphy, fluid induction analysis, petrophysical surveys, burial modelling, fault seal analysis, rock physics analysis and seismic inversion.

Carnarvon has identified several large, robust Jurassic leads, over multiple reservoir levels.

There is also potential for secondary plays in the shallower Late Cretaceous stratigraphy that will be the focus of Carnarvon’s ongoing technical investigations.

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