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Cooper Energy begins BMG decommissioning

Santos drill WA

Cooper Energy has commenced decommissioning work at the Basker Manta Gummy (BMG), 50km off the Victorian coastline.

The Helix Q7000 vessel has begun work at the first well, Basker-3, with Cooper Energy making progress with the scope of work despite delays.

The delays included the vessels late arrival at the BMG field, which resulted in the company incurring more than three months of holding costs.

This created a flow on effect, according to Cooper, and meant more time was required during start-up activities however the company anticipates these delays will not impact the remainder of the programme.

Due to the slow progress experienced on the Basker-3 decommissioning work, a re-forecasting of the remaining six BMG wells is required.

As a result, the company has revised its cost for the BMG decommissioning from $193-$198 million to $240 to $280 million.

Despite this increase, Cooper Energy advised that it will continue to pursue savings to offset increased costs, including implementing operational learnings and simplifying the scope of decommissioning.

Now, the company will focus on executing the remaining decommissioning activities safely and within the minimum time possible.

Decommissioning activities are projected to be completed by the end of 2026, while all post-decommissioning activities are to be completed by the end of 2027.

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