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CSIRO to revolutionise the hydrogen market

As part of a recently signed collaboration agreement, BOC will contribute in-kind gas products, equipment and technical expertise worth in excess of $100,000 for the two-year project now underway at CSIRO’s test site in Pullenvale, Brisbane.

BOC will supply ammonia, which will be cracked and purified into pure hydrogen by the modular membrane technology unit developed by CSIRO.

BOC engineers will also assist with compressing the hydrogen and storing it in special cylinder packs, then distributing it to customers on the Australian east coast for use in hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.

“We look forward to sharing our extensive experience with CSIRO as they enter the final development stages of the membrane technology device – providing advice on generation and storage, right through to transportation and refuelling of hydrogen-powered vehicles,”? said BOC General Manager Hydrogen Alex Dronoff.

CSIRO Energy Director Karl Rodrigues is excited by the growing global momentum to develop hydrogen energy systems, and the potential for a hydrogen export industry to benefit Australia.

“We’re pleased to be partnering with industry – including BOC – and look forward to applying CSIRO innovation to facilitate the creation of new low emissions energy markets,”? said Mr Rodrigues.

The new technology could pave the way for a renewable hydrogen export market that could meet rising demand in emerging markets Europe, Japan and South Korea.

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