
Development well exceeds expectations

Mereenie-29 development well

Cue Energy Resources has advised that the recently drilled West Mereenie-29 development well has achieved excellent results and commenced gas sales to the Northern Territory on 20 January 2025.

A pre tie-in test achieved a total flow rate of approximately seven terajoules a day (TJ/d) (100 per cent joint venture (JV)) over a two hour period.

Production from WM29 will be limited to 6TJ/d (100 per cent JV), in line with capacity of the well site production equipment.

The flow rate achieved at WM29 is double pre-drill expectations and significantly higher than the rates achieved at the JV’s previous West Mereenie-28 well, which was drilled in 2021.

The flow rate achieved at WM29 should increase overall Mereenie production capacity up to the pre-drill 30TJ/d field production target.

The second development well, West Mereenie 30 (WM30), currently drilling at a depth of approximately 585m.

WM30 is expected to reach its primary Pacoota-3 sandstone target, at an estimated depth of 1,681m, over the coming month.

Cue Energy chief executive Matthew Boyall said pre-drill expectations have been well exceeded.

“The Mereenie development program is continuing with drilling at WM30 on time and budget, and we look forward to the next set of results which are expected over the coming month,” Boyall said.

“The Mereenie field has been contributing to the Northern Territory’s energy requirements for many years and this result shows that it can continue to support the NT into the future, with known reservoirs and established infrastructure.”

Cue Energy has a 7.5 per cent interest in the Mereenie JV. The other participants are Echelon Mereenie (42.5 per cent), Horizon Australia Energy (25 per cent), Central Petroleum Mereenie (25 per cent).

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