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Energy Ministers agree to independent review

In a breakthrough meeting last week, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Energy Ministers have agreed that energy security, reliability and affordability is their primary responsibility – putting it back at number one.

The COAG Energy Council has agreed to an independent review to develop a national electricity blueprint to ensure Australia’s energy security as we transition to a lower emissions future.

The independent review will draw together and build on the analysis and findings of the recent and ongoing work streams of the Energy Council.

Australia’s Chief Scientist Dr Alan Finkel AO will chair the review and will be assisted by two deputies to be agreed on by the COAG Energy Council in coming weeks.

It is envisaged a preliminary report will be prepared for the COAG Leaders’ Meeting in December with a final report early in the New Year.

COAG Energy Council Ministers were also given a briefing by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) on recent events in South Australia, their causes and consequences.

AEMO will continue to provide more detailed analysis on the blackout in South Australia and the steps that can be taken to ensure the resilience of the National Electricity Market against similar events.

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