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Gas discovery at Tarantula Deep

Gas discovery at Tarantula Deep

Beach Energy has announced a gas discovery at Tarantula Deep 1 in the Perth Basin, Western Australia (WA).

Tarantula Deep 1 reached a total depth of 4121 metres in October 2023, and intersected a 63-metre section of Kingia Sandstone, according to Beach.

It also intersected a gas water contact within the Kingia reservoir, with net gas pay of 10 metres above the contact confirmed by gas sampling.

The well will now be suspended to allow for future development, with preliminary analysis of results in-line with pre-drill estimate numbers.

Beach interim chief executive officer Bruce Clement said the discovery is a positive start to the campaign.

“The results at Tarantula Deep 1 have improved our understanding of the Kingia reservoir extent in the Beharra Springs area and give us greater confidence in future development and near field exploration within the immediate region,” Clement said.

“With gas demand in WA increasing, and further success in our exploration program, we see our Perth Basin business as continuing to grow in importance for the West Coast gas market.”

The Ventia 106 drilling rig will now move to the Waitsia field to drill the Waitsia 11 development well. Following this, Beach’s Perth Basin campaign will continue with the Beharra Springs Deep 2 development well.

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