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Glenaras drilling well underway

The well was logged and tested over various seams to assist selection of the coal target and wellpath designs for the lateral wells.

The Glenaras-10 vertical well intersected a total of 29 m of net coal in the Betts Creek Beds, one of the largest pay sections intersected in the project area.

Based on log and test results, the R3 coal has been selected as the primary target for the lateral pilot.

The vertical test hole has been plugged back and the first lateral well has been drilled through to the target coal, successfully landing horizontally in the primary target.

As of this morning, the Easternwell Rig 101 was preparing to run in with 7 inch casing to total depth.

Following cementing of the casing string, the rig will drill into the target coal for the first lateral production interval planned for approximately 450 m in seam.

The Glenaras Gas Project is located in the highly-prospective ATP 2019 (formerly ATP 529) permit in western Queensland, and covers an area of approximately 4000 sq km.

The project area contains a significant coal seam gas contingent resource position in the Betts Creek coals with a 1C of 308 PJ, a 2C of 2508 PJ and a 3C of 5314 PJ.

The permit is 100 per cent owned by Galilee Energy.

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