Concurrent with drilling operations, all surface facility skids have been constructed, while the water production flowline connecting the Glenaras multilateral pilot program to the existing 450 ML water storage facility has been constructed and tied in at surface.
All gathering flowlines connecting the wells have now been installed, pressure tested and backfilled.
The separator skids and electric submersible pump (ESP) transformer skids for both the Glenaras-10L and Glenaras-12L wells have been located on site.
The remaining site works involve completing the mechanical pipework to the wellheads, finalising wellhead instrumentation and function testing all control systems.
Production start-up remains on schedule for mid-June.
The Glenaras Gas Project is located in the highly-prospective ATP 2019 (formerly ATP 529) permit in western Queensland and covers an area of approximately 4,000 sq km.
The project area contains a significant coal seam gas contingent resource position in the Betts Creek coals with a 1C of 308 PJ, a 2C of 2,508 PJ and a 3C of 5,314 PJ.
The permit is 100 per cent owned by Galilee Energy.