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Greenvale executes Amadeus farm-in agreement


Greenvale Energy has executed a farm-in agreement with Mosman Oil and Gas to acquire a hydrogen opportunity in the Amadeus Basin in the Northern Territory (NT).

Under the agreement, Greenvale will acquire a 75 per cent interest in exploration permit (EP) 145 in the NT, which is 100 per cent owned by Trident Energy, a wholly subsidiary company of Mosman Oil and Gas.

In October 2022, Mosman reported a prospective resource estimate for the permit and noted a best estimate of 440 billion cubic feet (bfc) total gas, including 26.4 bfc of helium and 26.4 bcf of hydrogen.

Greenvale chief executive officer Mark Turner said the agreement provides a clear pathway for the company to test for hydrogen within the basin.

“Importantly, the EP 145 permit already has an existing high-quality prospective resource estimate in place – including a best estimate of 440 bcf of total gas – providing an outstanding platform from which to progress our initial exploration programs,” Turner said.

“With a global shortage of helium supply and continued growth in demand, EP 145 represents an exciting new addition to Greenvale’s asset portfolio and we look forward to getting underway with seismic data collection in the near future.”

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