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Hydrogen detected at Ramsay

Hydrogen detected at Ramsay

Gold Hydrogen has detected hydrogen through its drilling activities at the Ramsay Well 1 in South Australia (SA).

After drilling first commenced in October 2023, the surface section was successfully drilled and cased off at 220m measured depth.

While drilling through the Parara limestone formation, hydrogen was detected at elevated levels through the advanced mud logging services.

Samples were collected on surface and contained a high level of air contamination, which was expected, according to Gold Hydrogen.

Following further testing and analysis in an offsite laboratory, values of hydrogen were found to be consistent with offset data.

The company said that as the results are preliminary, they require further uncontaminated down hole samples to be tested to confirm the exact composition of gas and purity of hydrogen.

As a result, further drilling through the target zones and testing remains ongoing.

The objective of drilling within the Ramsay 1 well is to confirm the presence of hydrogen in the subsurface geologic formations.

It is also to confirm geological modelling based on the exploration data obtained during the past year.

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