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Largest renewable tender opens

Reliable Renewables Plan

The Federal Government has opened Australia’s largest single tender for renewable energy.

Renewable projects can now bid to be part of the Reliable Renewables Plan, which is delivering 32GW of new generation and storage into the grid by 2030 with the Capacity Investment Scheme.

The May tender is the first in a series of six-monthly tenders. Projects through the tender will have a target completion date of 2027 and will boost energy generation.

As part of those negotiations, 2.2GW of the May tender has been allocated exclusively for NSW, 0.3GW for SA, 1.4GW for VIC and 0.3GW for TAS. The remaining 1.8GW will be allocated across the National Electricity Market, including QLD. The first round of tenders for WA will commence mid-year.

“We are getting on with the job of delivering practical solutions to keep the lights on for households and businesses using the cheapest, cleanest form of power – reliable renewable energy,” Minister for Climate Change and Energy Chris Bowen said.

“24 coal plants totaling 26.7GW announced closure dates under the former government and the Australian Energy Market Operator has confirmed we need generation now for reliability as more than 90 per cent of our coal generation leaves the market over the next decade – that’s exactly what our Reliable Renewables Plan is doing.”

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