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Leigh Creek commences drilling

As announced in its September 2017 Quarterly Report, Leigh Creek was required by the South Australian Energy and Resources Division (the Regulator) to undertake additional drilling to secure geotechnical information required by the Regulator.

The program commenced in December 2017 and is expected to be complete this week, with the scope of the program being:

  • Drill three holes – two holes to provide further geotechnical information requested by the Regulator and needed for the Environmental Impact Report (EIR), and a third hole to confirm design criteria for the Pre-Commercial Demonstration (PCD) gasifier
  • Reaffirm that no geological structures exist in proximity to the intended PCD gasifier location that could adversely affect the containment of in-situ gas (ISG) reactions.

The program has enabled Leigh Creek to provide the Regulator with additional geological data and, significantly, reaffirmed that there are no major geological structures nearby the intended PCD location.

Additionally, the public consultation period for the demonstration phase of the LCEP has commenced, and will conclude at the end of February.

The public are invited to engage with Leigh Creek on matters regarding the approval documents, which are available here.

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