The South Australian government has released its Energy Transition green paper for public consultation which will help shape the state’s energy future.
The paper is a document intended to invite feedback to inform a long-term policy statement, identify challenges impacting South Australia’s use of energy and the opportunities for navigating these challenges.
“We want to co-design an energy strategy through early and meaningful engagement with the people who produce it, the people who use it and the people who regulate it,” Minister for Energy and Mining Tom Koutsantonis said.
“We want to hear the views of as many of these stakeholders as possible, including the views of everyday South Australian energy consumers.”
The release of the green paper also coincides with the Hydrogen Park in the Tonsley Innovation District expanding its reach.
An additional 3000 homes and businesses are now powered by the blended natural and hydrogen network, which is part of the Australian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG).
The $14.5 million renewable hydrogen production facility first launched with 700 homes receiving a five per cent blend of hydrogen and natural gas delivering through the existing gas network.
To provide feedback on the green paper, visit here.