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Santos and Tamboran join forces for Darwin LNG expansion

gas, oil, australia, abb, senex, darwin lng, santos, tamboran

Tamboran Resources and Santos have inked a Memorandum of Understanding to undertake technical studies relating to a potential Darwin LNG Train 2 expansion.

Currently, Darwin LNG is approved to a nominal 10 million tonnes of LNG per annum, with this expansion opportunity up to roughly six million tonnes per annum.

The pair will be looking to tap its extensive exploration ground (EP 161) within the Beetaloo Basin to feed the expansion.

“Tamboran and Santos have been partners in the EP 161 acreage … for more than a decade,” Tamboran Resources managing director and CEO Joel Riddle said.

“With approximately two million net prospective acres across the Beetaloo Basin, Tamboran holds significant gas resources capable of supplying Northern Territory and Australia’s East Coast gas market for decades.

“We look forward to advancing discussions with Santos to unlock this significant shale gas resource and contribute to the expansion of DLNG in Darwin.”

Tamboran and Santos are both committed to supplying natural gas from the Beetaloo Basin into both the Australian domestic gas and international LNG markets.

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